Tuesday 16 October, at 20:00 and 21:00 h., at CIC El Almacén, Manuel Rodriguez will present his dancing show ‘Body on Process’. ‘Body on process’ is a project based on subtlety and rupture, frailty and fortitude. The body as a grapheme, time as the audience. Living in the cracks, being reborn in the impossible. Manuel Rodríguez is a dancer, choreographer and visual artist. His work focuses on the power of the image and abstraction, using the scene as a field of conflict between different artistic languages in order to transcend the perception and shape, where the body is articulated as vehicular and plastic tool. Tickets 5 euros to buy ONLINE, at Cultura Lanzarote (Cabildo de Lanzarote, monday to friday, 9:00 to 14:00, and at the box office of CIC El Almacén, same day of the show, one hour before the beginning.
Created and performed by Manuel Rodríguez
Costumes: Tiscar Espadas
Collaboration with: Centro de Danza Canal, Graner Centre de Creaciò and Kyoto Art Center
CIC El Almacén
C/ José Betancort 33 – Arrecife